Friday, October 28, 2011

Quaker Moon Progress

I was finally able to sit in my new chair for longer than one minute and do some stitching on Quaker Moon.  I am using petite black beads for the various pumpkins' eyes.  I don't do French knots.  Or should I say I have tried and failed to do a French knot and decided to do beads.  Plus I like their uniform look.  Now, threading the beading needle, well, that's a whole other story. 

On a funny note, The Stepdaughter came into my office after school a few days ago and said, direct quote, "we made babies in school today."  I said you did WHAT?!?!??!?!  Her health class had to make "pretend" babies out of those small, clear ornaments that you can fill with stuff.  After a few minutes when I could breathe again from laughing so hard I said you might want to word that differently when you tell people.  LOL.

Are any of you considering doing the Crazy January 2012 Challenge?  I am considering it, but kitting up 15 projects at once...well, I don't know.  But still considering it.  


cucki said...

hello dear, great progress..i love it so much..growing so lovely..
have a lovely day.hugs for you xxx

Denise said...

I'm with you about french knots - I can make them but they never come out the same way twice. The beads look fantastic!

So when she told her father what she did in school - did she reword it?

Nope not doing the challenge - tried it this year and did many projects but that list thing bothered me.

Deborah said...

Love Quaker Moon. I tend to do the french knots because I am too lazy to go get the beads. lol

Unknown said...

What a lovely and delicate work..!!

The Inspired Stitcher said...

I love your progress! It's looking really good. Kids really do say the funniest things.

LoriU said...

Oh Quaker Moon is looking great! I agree about french knots...they are "knot" for me..LOL!

Sally said...

Wow you're making great progress on Quaker Moon. Love the colours.

Lesleyanne said...

Your quaker moon looks gorgeous. Don't do french knots or beads lol. I think I would have passed out if my son came home fron school and told me he had been making babies lol.

ArchangelDecker said...

I love your progress! :)

Patty C. said...

Wonderful progress -

Anonymous said...

Great progress. I like (not love!) french knots. I think you just have to accept that they will never all turn out exactly the same size/shape. Beads are great, but I just can't thread those small needles! lol

imnverted said...

Love the colors! May have to add this one to my "to-do" list

Parsley said...

Again....I"m totally loving what you are working on!

Catherine said...

Oh my gosh! The Stepdaughter comment cracked me up!

What a fun piece you are working on!! I don't like doing French knots either - I do beads in place of them too!

Karen said...

This design looks so much cuter stitched. I did the challenge this year and finished several projects so I plan on doing it again! Good luck if you decide to do me...kitting 15 projects is easy!!!

Denise said...

I just love it...I need to put it on my list!

Kaisievic said...

Quaker moon is pretty cute - good idea to bead instead of French knot, I always find them hard to keep uniform.

Love your SD story - kids are so funny!

Will have to check up on what the Crazy Jan 2012 challenge is.

Hugs, Kaye xoxox

Sharon said...

It looks great-very pretty! I may have to add to my stash! LOL

SoCal Debbie said...

Hi Danielle, I'm a new follower on your blog! Sure, I signed up for the Crazy January Challenge 2012, and actually the Ultimate CJC, starting 31 projects instead of 15! LOL!!!

I have a Thomas Kinkade WIP that is about 50% French knots for all the flowers!

Karen said...

Hi, Danielle. I just found your blog via your comment on The Twisted Stitcher. I am so glad to hear other people have problems with bead needles!!! I'm not a serious stitcher yet...I start something and then stop but this year I intended to finish my Magic Kitty from Mill Hill that I bought 4-5 (!) years ago. I broke more thread to thread that darn needle. I finally just gave up and used cross stitches in place of some of the smaller beads. Anyway, I'm determined to not let those beads stop me!! I'm going to give another go with a different small project and beads. Now french knots don't bother me at all. (I think maybe I should start a blog, since I'm talking so much!)